A compact device for quick and easy checking of the alcohol content in exhaled air. There is no need to use disposable, traditional mouthpieces. The semiconductor is responsible for the precision of the results. It's very simple to operate. Press one button and wait for the result. Its small size and weight make it easy to store. You can always have it with you, no matter where you go. You will always be ready to check your state of sobriety when needed
Number of work cycles: 1000
Sensor semiconductor
Ready to operate time from start up: 10 s.
Scope of work: 0-0.19% BAC, 0-0.95 mg/ LBrAC.
Error range: ± 0.01% BAC.
Power supply: 2 x 1.5V AAA (not included).
Material: ABS
Order qty: 1 pc